I’m ALIVE!!!!

So it's been a bit since my last post, I know... I've been lazy, but here's a quick recap of what been going on.  Pretty dry and I'll try to refrain from analysis so here goes.I came back from vacation and worked.  The weekend of the 8th I just sat around home and watched a bunch of movies.  On the 11th I went with Josie and Jared to see the new Pirates movie, Jenn and Jesse were supposed to be there too but Jenn flaked and double scheduled and Jesse had to work in the morn, so they missed o ...

In Black

So obviously I've returned from my vacation and what can I say, I really enjoyed it. We (12 of us) boated around on Lake Roosevelt (follow the Columbia into NW Washington) for a week mostly relaxing and hanging with my family. Played several games and learned a new card game called 'sit on it' which I happen to rock at. Did some hiking, some exploring, lots of chilling, some boating, some fishing, and some cooking. The food arrangements were that people were paired up to cook two meals (one dinner and ...

et cetera

I lied, didn't make the post before the weekend.  Here's some random styff anyway.Why is it that the first day of summer starts on the summer solsitce?  That just doesn't make sense to me, I'd think that the solstice would be more the mid-point but maybe it's cause of some historhysis effect. meh. The days are getting shorter none-the-less.So I bought some rock shoes and have started going to a rock gym.  Technically I'm on my second pair.  I wear size 12 tennies and after trying on sev ...


Hmmmm, what's been going on? Got to hang out with JC and Josie midweek, finally won at Catan. Went to Corvallis, hung out with friends and family. Went to climbing gym, now I'm sore and tired. sleepy time now.

Bob Lob-law

Meh, so what have I been up to, not much but I'll expand on it cause I have nothing better to do. Nothing's on TV, can't think of a movie i'd want to rent (or dl), none of my movies are appetizing at the moment, none of my local friends are available, I've browsed the net long enough to be bored of it for a few hours. Blah, doing nothing sucks. So I've been doing short rides almost nightly. I do them at night mostly because of the decreased traffic and I think I'm more visible with my blinking lights a ...


I know you've all been waiting for my next post so you'll know what I've been up to, and I'm not one to let you down so let me share. Early in the week I really wanted to have a go at Forrest Park while there was a nice break in the weather, so I took my bike out on Wednesday after work. It was light going, 3mi down and back. I would have gone all the way down but I was racing the sun and wanted to make it back to the car before it got dark. I'll probably go all the way this week/next weekend specially ...

The fattening

So Memorial day weekend was a hoot, allow me to recap: I left work early on Friday to pick up my cousin and her son from the airport, ate dinner at the Edgefield and went to my parents place where my uncle and dad were. Karen and Jared joined us Saturday and my mom later. Much fun was had by all, craft time too (I have pix, I just don't know how to attach them to the blogs yet). Sunday was fun as was Monday morn, then I drove my uncle, his daughter and grandson back to the airport. We stopped at the E ...

I’m tired

So this past weekend was decent enough, could have been better but you live with what your dealt. For those of you out of the know, my dad had a guys weekend up at the cabin this past weekend. It's an anual event in which the date has been set since probabaly January. It's to be expected that not everyone invited would be able to make it but this year nearly everyone who said they would come cancelled in the past week, many on Friday. It's a litle disheartening when only three of the expected twenty ac ...


So bastards at the Sprint store finally got my replacement phone for me. I call them bastards not because I don't like Sprint (I do) but because it takes friggin forever to get helped and once they help you it seems like they're dragging their feet. I don't know if they're just incompetent at that store or just stupid. Maybe it's a bit of both. Either way, I went in to get my replacement and they showed me how to transfer my photo's to the web so I don't lose them (which was nice) and took my phone to ...

A typical day at work

Or is it atypical? Whatever... As many of you may (or may not) know, I like to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Something about all those peanuts floating in all that wonderful buttery goodness topped with some jam, yum. But I digress. I was eating said food at work today and my co-worker commented that if I keep eating them like I do I'll turn into a peanut. To this I pointed out the fact that I also eat a lot of apples, why wouldn't I turn into an apple? And he told me, "it's hard to turn i ...