Procrastinated enough?

It's been a few weeks and I feel bad about not posting anything, more cause now I have a long post instead of three shorter ones but what can I do?I find it very amusing/interesting that I get so much more feedback from people about whether or not I should shave my beard vs my statement about my (imaginary) engagement.  I don't know if that says more about me or more about my readers.  Either way I, being the very stubborn and difficult to persuade type, have chosen to not shave it.  Since t ...

Retractions of self-imaginatory fabrications

I was bored last week and wrote that blog in a creative attempt to get more feedback and figure out who exactly reads my blogs at the same time.  Apparently though, my attempt was both too obvious for many and my hints too vague for the rest (*cough* Karen *cough cough*)  So allow me to clarify things a bit here.In greek mythology, Cassandra was a prophet who was cursed so no one would believe her, no matter how hard she tried to convince them.  So I figured the bizarro version would be the ...

Bizarro Cassandra

So this weekend was awesome.  First off, the big news.  For those of you who don't know, I've been having a relationship with a woman named Sarah for the past two years.  Well, this past Saturday I took her out to a nice restaurant downtown, took a knee and proposed to her.  Of course she said yes, making at least my year, more likely my life.  We haven't set a date yet or anything like that, but when you see the ring around my finger, you'll know what's up.Compared to that, all el ...

Ooh, it’s so long. Can I touch it?

Uhg, spent so much money's but my new stuff is awesome.  It's mostly camping stuff so it won't get used very often but it's great stuff and if the use I've already had with it is any indication, I'm very happy with it's performance and don't mind the moneys spent. I know all of you (I think I have 3 regular readers now) are burning to know how my weekend plans turned out.  On Friday I did go to Celia's going away thing in the North Plains and Saturday through Monday I went climbing down at Smith ...

Hey rice rocket

What's up? The smartass may respond with 'the sky/roof/ceiling'. Someone a bit more philosophical may respond with "define 'up'," or even "what is 'up'," both which I'd file under the smartass answer too. My answer? Mel stopped by between her trip from Eugene to Hood River but got stuck in traffic on her way up and came back late on the return, so we didn't hang out much. We did watch The Posidon Adventure though, it's a decent movie, definitely better than I expected. Since Mel was stuck in traffic ...

In Hawai’i

Let's cut to the chase, I haven't been up to much but here we go.Last week Josie returned from Tahoe and dragged her sis with her, so we dragged them both to the climbing gym for some evening entertainment.  Went to get food afterwards and found out that Noodlin' is closed, bastards.The weekend didn't do much but clean and sit around till Sunday when I rode my bike dt and back again.  I woke up a bit late and went straight for it, sprinting the first 5 miles.  I should have taken it slower a ...


Don't you hate it when you spend a fair amount of time typg something up ie. a blog and you hit the button yo post it, but then you apparently forgot to confirm the post and closed the window sending those poor little words into oblivion? Well I definitely do, and if you couldn't guess, I did exactly that tonight. Since it's late and I'm getting up real early I'll leave this here and try to recreate what was lost tomorrow or Wednesday.

‘nother WHA?!?!?

and to recap... Oh wait, that should be at the end eh?So Friday I went to Chris and Amanda's place for a bbq thing, fun waas had, we were geeks.  It would have been cooler if people who told me they were going to inform me when they were going to go so we could carpool did, but they didn't.  So I sat around a couple hours waiting for someone to call me before I figured I was flaked on and called to find out they were already there and I was to drive myself.  Am I bitter?  No, life sucks ...


Soooo, less-ee, what have I been up to...  For starters, the company I work for has gotten too big for it's britches so we spent the past week moving to a new building, much more space.  Unfortunately we have a lot of crap to sort through now but hey, I get paid the same so what do I care.  This past weekend I went biking at Brown's Camp (Old Historic Trail in Tillamook Forest) with Paul and Brad, it was a bit more technical than I'm used to but it was still fun.  We also went climbing ...

Not enough time

This past weekend?  I went to Corvallis for Derek's birthday.  It was pretty low-key but we ended up going to Portland Saturday and playing at Safari Sam's (mini-golf, arcade, etc.)  I think fun was had by all, I enjoyed myself at least and made $5 for being the best mini-golfer.  Sunday I hung out with Karen, treated her to lunch, and went over to someones place to watch Final Destination 3 with others.  The movie was better than I expected and afterwards I got to stretch my Guitar Hero muscles (I love th ...