I’m so messed up

Fortunately I can recognize that, or maybe it's unfortunate.  I don't know what to say, I've been neglecting my blog and as a result, you.  Sorry.  Lots of stuff going on that I don't really want to or know how to deal with so I've been dodging life where I can.So anyway, after reading that last post (god I thought I typed better than that) it's been a bit since it so I'll update you on the vague goings on of what I've been doing.  I'm feeling particularly wordy at the moment so bear wi ...

The decisions I make

So obviously I didn't make the post I had intended last week, but you know what I did make?  Poop, and lots of it.Moving on...Friday before last I went to a game night, twas fun.  Played a new card game, bought my own copy of it the next day.  The game's good but you have to pay attention, it doesn't work well in a drunken crowd.  I then went to Eugene  to hang out and see that movie that I want to see, can you remember which one?  If you guess 300 you're right, here's a cooki ...


It's been a while, eh?  There's much to say as a result so bear with me.Just because I don't put anything here doesn't mean it isn't written.  Since I don't feel like rewriting it so it's more time correct, here's what I wrote on Valentines Day:Today is hump day, and not just because it's Wednesday but because it's VD day too.  I wonder how many babies are put into production annually this day.Speaking of babies, I also wonder if they are aware of their own blind spots.  I would imagine ...

My own personal hot zone

I have fallen ill, been ill today and yesterday coughing and snurping. I'm somewhat opposed to filling my body with synthetic chemicals to alleviate the symptoms or generally make me better so I'm letting my body do it's thing and run it's course. In general I don't mind being sick, just the fever chills get a bit anoying after a while. I do help my body fight though by modifying my diet to something heavy in antioxidants and vitamin C with the hopes of shortening my down time and general miserableness. ...

March of the Pinks Ones

So after reading a certain number of these you may start to think that I'm a bit conceded.  For the most part all I do is talk about myself.  Occasionally I do talk about other things I find interesting but mostly it's about me.  I could talk about stuff that you find more interesting but the way I figure it you come here to hear about me.  So I'm fully justified covering the subject of me and not conceded.  Well, maybe I am a bit.This past weekend I went up to Washington with my d ...

Noitanitsarcorp hguone…

Am I a bit bored?  Why yes, yes I am.  Sorry but this is going to be a long post, partly because it's been a while since the last and partly because I have many vague random thoughts.  I HAVE TO GET THEM OUT OF MY HEAD BEFORE IT EXPLODES!  That's about all the drama I have in me at the moment so it's good to get that out of the way too.Apparently in my last post I promised some thing that I didn't follow through on.  I may be mistaken, I'm too lazy to actually read what I wrote the ...

In the City

For shame if you don't know the reference. Anyway, I know it's been a while since my last (about two weeks) and I'd fill you in but I'm tired so I'll give you the abbreviated version and fill it out later. I went to Disneyland with some friends, the trip was awesome, I think everyone had fun, I'll put up some pictures later. Was going to go snowboarding last weekend but didn't happen, hopefully soon though. Had a game night Friday though which was fun. Got a new game for the Wii, Rayman: Raving Rabids ...

In the woods

It's been so long since my last entry, I'm not even sure where to start.  The logical place would be where I left my last one but that's not very interesting.  I could start at the end and do things backwards. lla uoy no tluciffid fo dnik s'taht tub ,  Not to mention it'd make this take me much longer with all the extra thought involved.I went to Corvallis a few weeks ago to visit people but it seemed like most everyone was too busy to visit with me, mehI was invited to go to Smith Rock a fe ...


Good, now that that's settled, I can tell you what I've been up to without you forcibly extracting it from my head.The more I think about the interesting stories and amusing anecdotes I have to share the more I've decided that they aren't really that interesting or even mildly amusing.  Since that's the case I won't be sharing them, instead I'll tell you this.I was sick last week and I'm still getting over it so I haven't been doing much.  I acquired for myself a ski coat which I'm very happy wit ...

My cleverness ran out

aLast weekend I lead a trip out to Horse Thief Butte.  It was cool but I think the group I was with was a bit more laid back than I'm used to.  It seemed there was much more discussion about what we may want to try to climb than actual action in those directions.  Despite that I think everyone had fun till the end.  There was a slight accident (one person fell) but fortunately she is fine, we just had to leave a little earlier than anticipated.When we go back I think we need someone a b ...