less sea,

wua due wee haf hear? Yeah, sometimes I wonder what puts me in those moods too. Been far too long since my last unfortunately. I had mentioned that I had enough material for another post the week of the last one, sadly I let it slide and it slid off th ...

How Unfortunate

Holy crap, I haven't written anything since last year!?  Sorry, I'm sure that joke is plenty old by know, but I still find it amusing.I do occasionally eat Chinese food and in typical American fashion receive a fortune cookie with my meal.  Unfo ...

lots o’ stuff

This ones going to be a bit dry, but I needed to put something up before it got terribly delayed.The tales of ME.  The 8th was my sisters birthdays but since we celebrated it the week before, we didn't do much if any birthday stuff as a family.  ...

Sort of funny

In a messed up sort of way that is, I do write for my blog fairly often. The problem is often that it's a rough draft and I want to edit it when I have more time before actually posting it. Unfortunately I don't take the time to do that so I end up with ...

Gettin’ stuff done

Holy crap, I need to stop doing that.  It's time for me to finally sit down, take some time, and actually get some stuff done.  This is going to be a long one I think.Continuing on, places I've been and things I've been up to.  Coincidental ...

Heavy scythe

So I happen to big a big fat liar.  Well not that big.  The more I think about it I'm probably not that fat either.  Of course this denial could just be an extension of my LIES but will you ever know?  Probably not.I said I'd get a bit ...

Precursor to a real blog

So I feel I must apologize for putting off the creation of a new blog for so long and thus I will, I'm sorry. While I had created a few blogs over the past few months I decided that they were a bit down to post and looking back on them I'm sure I made th ...

The update

So I tried to fix the spelling where I could but mind you that typing with a cast is tricky so mind me. So many of you may have heard a bit (about my fall) but don't know that much about the leading to and post info of my fall so I'll try to fill you all ...

Miles of Neglect

So been a while, like 5 weeks. Geez I've been slacking, so here's what I recall I've been up to, all shorthand like. If you're looking for comedy this time, I don't think there's much if any, MOVING ON! FIVE weeks ago, didn't do a whole lot, hung out w ...