So Memorial day weekend was a hoot, allow me to recap:
I left work early on Friday to pick up my cousin and her son from the airport, ate dinner at the Edgefield and went to my parents place where my uncle and dad were. Karen and Jared joined us Saturday and my mom later. Much fun was had by all, craft time too (I have pix, I just don’t know how to attach them to the blogs yet). Sunday was fun as was Monday morn, then I drove my uncle, his daughter and grandson back to the airport. We stopped at the Edgefield to eat dinner with Jenn and Jesse (it’s so convenient right there).
That was the short version, I could go into greater detail, but then I’d have no stories to share when I’m around you in person. One thing though, I made a three player cribbage board as part of craft time, it’s beautiful if I do say so myself, but it’s a prototype. Anyway, I’m sure not many of you play cribbage but if you do let me know so we can break the board in.
No plans for this weekend, just floating it so far and we’ll see what shows up. If I can find enough people I may cook/bbq for them especially if there’s a nice day this weekend. My parents are doing some travelling so I’m watching their cats too.
A little insight into John (cause sometimes it’s nice to write these things down)…. I don’t know why I indulge myself (often over-indulge) but I need to control these tendencies, ignore the temptations. Maybe I’m compensating for a lack of something? I keep telling myself ‘be more proactive, go out and do something about it.’ I go out but I don’t think I’m doing the right things. I find I lack the proper motivation/drive sometimes. Anxiety/paranoia doesn’t help either.
My last two thoughts: ARRRG and meh, that’s what makes up my mental state most the time.