
So, as I may understand, more people may be reading this than previously thought so I may be updating this more often, though some of it may be less substantial. It has also been brought to my attention that I either need shorter posts or just paragraph more, but big blocks of text are kinda unweildy, so we’ll see what I can do.

What’s been going on you wonder? Let me fill you in (in brief). last week I went to Corvallis making it the 3rd weekend in a row. I had fun, didn’t see much of my friends but I hung out with my sister most the time. My sister was selling her jewelry at a renesiannce fair in Corvallis and so I offered my help to set up and take down her booth. Celia’s birthday was also Saturday, I offered her breakfast but she took a raincheck, I don’t think her day went as planned. That was Saturday.

After I helped her set up I went mt. biking with Paul and his friend to the top of Dimple Hill. I don’t know if it was because a different path, but it was a much easier climb compared to the week before. At the top we met some of Pauls friends (a couple I already knew, Thomas and Simon) and we went down ending at Youngs kitchen. The whole ride was an interesting experience as our group (of 10) was so varied in experience, but I think everyone had fun.

I sent my bike back to Portland with Thomas and helped my sister take down her booth and hung out with my sisters and her friend the rest of the evening and went to Portland in the morning. Not much but work stuff happened for the rest of the week.

I noticed after examining my bike that I had a few minor injuries (I bent my deraillure hanger and possibly my rear wheel) so my bike is in the shop being repaired and hopefully get it back by Friday, probably won’t though since they’ll be tweaking other stuff though. I also managed to crack the outer display on my cell phone but yay for insurance, I should be getting a replacement Wednesday.

Today I hung out Jared and his friend Eryll (Cheryll?) which was nice. I didn’t get as many chores done as I’d have liked, but that’s what tomorrow’s for.

Upcoming stuff: mom’s going to Europe in the morning and will be there 10 days. My dad’s hosting a “guy’s” weekend at the cabin next weekend, that should be fun. The weekend after that some family is visiting from California for Memorial Day weekend, that should be fun as well. After that, no plans so we’ll see what happens :).

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